1 Educations Grados en Biología Molecular en Luxemburgo for 2024

Educations Grados en Biología Molecular en Luxemburgo for 2024Filter
  • Máster en Biomedicina Molecular y Computacional

    University of Luxembourg Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine

    • Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburgo

    Tiempo completo

    2 años

    En el campus


    This Master programme enables students to acquire deeper knowledge in biosciences taking into account new computational and high-throughput experimental technologies. This involves the handling of large amounts of data and thus bioinformatics and network analysis are essential elements in this modern education in biosciences. Systems Biology (an extension of Biochemistry and Physiology) wants to understand and model systems: individual cells, organs and whole organisms on the basis of their constituting molecules. It integrates established disciplines in Biosciences and renovates them for the challenges of the future.