Certificado en Big Data en el transporte marítimo
Online United Kingdom
12 Weeks
Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial
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GBP 1999 *
La educación a distancia
* + IVA @ 20% para particulares y empresas del Reino Unido
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Descubra el potencial operativo y comercial de Big Data en la industria marítima
Aproveche Big Data & aprenda a reducir costes y mejorar la transparencia de sus operaciones de envío
Los macrodatos son una cuestión apremiante en la empresa moderna, pero en el transporte marítimo pueden ayudar a racionalizar los viajes, minimizar las emisiones y repercutir en los resultados.
Forme parte de los pioneros que ya entienden el potencial de Big Data en la industria naviera y construya una ventaja competitiva sobre el resto de la industria. Este curso, impartido a tiempo parcial y con tutorías en línea, le proporciona una base detallada sobre Big Data en el transporte marítimo, incluida la recopilación, el almacenamiento y la gestión de datos, así como las aplicaciones futuras de Big Data, en módulos de estudio cuidadosamente elaborados.
Resultado del programa
What you'll learn
- Explore the concept of Big Data and its impact on modern-day practices.
- Understand how Big Data can be utilised to optimise energy management and ship efficiency and thus improve ship operations
- Delves into the core issues of data storage, management and processes as it applies to shipping.
- Analyse Big Data issues, such as cybercrime, data protection, data transfer and GDPR.
- Examine future applications for Big Data in shipping - what could Big Data do for the industry and could it solve problems as of now unenvisaged?
How you'll learn
Every course is broken down into manageable modules, designed to accelerate your learning process through diverse learning activities:
- Work through your instructional material online
- Interact with your peers and learning facilitators through the online forum to discuss subject-related issues and network with your fellow learners
- Investigate relevant, real-world case studies
- Apply what you learn each week to ongoing project submissions
Cuota de matrícula del programa
This Certificate is now available on-demand on our innovative e-learning platform.
This on-demand course will give you complete control over your Lloyd’s Maritime Academy training experience. Choose your pace and start learning whenever you want, from wherever you are!
Who is on-demand training for?
On-demand training may suit you better than a scheduled course if you:
- Are working to a deadline or need to begin your training immediately
- Want the ultimate flexibility to study at a time and pace that suits you
Experience our industry-leading training your way
- When you purchase an on-demand course, you have 6 months to complete your training.
- Learn on your own terms and start today!
100% Online
- Accessible – 24/7 availability from wherever you have an internet connection
- Flexible – take control of where, when, how and the rate at which you study
- Professional – industry-leading course directors and tutors
- Quality – study the same course used by corporations for internal training
- Network – with tutors and like-minded professionals from around the world. Use our online tutorial forum to ask questions and share knowledge
- Save money – no additional travel or accommodation costs