Certificado en Blockchain Shipping
Online United Kingdom
12 Weeks
Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial
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GBP 1999 *
La educación a distancia
* + IVA @ 20% para particulares y empresas del Reino Unido
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Introducción a blockchain y su potencial para agilizar las operaciones de transporte marítimo
Aprenda qué es blockchain, cómo puede utilizarse en el transporte marítimo y cómo puede aprovechar sus ventajas para mejorar sus operaciones de transporte.
Blockchain se perfila como el futuro del transporte marítimo y está llamado a revolucionar la industria marítima.
Reciba la introducción perfecta a este gran cambio de juego con nuestro curso de 12 semanas. Aprenderá qué es blockchain, cómo puede utilizarse en el transporte marítimo y cómo aprovechar sus ventajas para mejorar sus operaciones de transporte.
Resultado del programa
What you'll learn
- Blockchain/DLT Applications in shipping
- How will Blockchain/DLT affect shipping on a commercial level?
- Legal agreements via smart contracts
- Frameworks (Ethereum, Corda, Hyperledger)
- Security and data ownership
- The autonomous ship
How you'll learn
Every course is broken down into manageable modules, designed to accelerate your learning process through diverse learning activities:
- Work through your instructional material online
- Interact with your peers and learning facilitators through the online forum to discuss subject-related issues and to network with your fellow learners
- Investigate relevant, real-world case studies
- Apply what you learn each week to ongoing project submissions
Cuota de matrícula del programa
This Certificate is now available on-demand on our innovative e-learning platform.
This on-demand course will give you complete control over your Lloyd’s Maritime Academy training experience. Choose your pace and start learning whenever you want, from wherever you are!
Who is on-demand training for?
On-demand training may suit you better than a scheduled course if you:
- Are you working to a deadline or need to begin your training immediately
- Want the ultimate flexibility to study at a time and pace that suits you
Experience our industry-leading training your way
- When you purchase an on-demand course, you have 6 months to complete your training.
- Learn on your own terms and start today!
100% Online
- Accessible – 24/7 availability from wherever you have an internet connection
- Flexible – take control of where, when, how and the rate at which you study
- Professional – industry-leading course directors and tutors
- Quality – study the same course used by corporations for internal training
- Network – with tutors and like-minded professionals from around the world. Use our online tutorial forum to ask questions and share knowledge
- Save money – no additional travel or accommodation costs