LLM in International Human Rights Law
Lund, Suecia
2 Years
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Programme overview
For 30 years, the Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law has been offered by the Faculty of Law. It is a cooperative venture by the Faculty of Law and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI). This makes your education unique: no other LL.M programme offers the joint resources of a prestigious law school and an implementation-oriented human rights institution.
We aim to train your contextual awareness, analytic clarity and practical skills alike. Both the Faculty of Law at Lund University and the RWI are respected educational actors and our graduates benefit from the fact that the Master’s programme in Lund is held in high esteem worldwide. The programme staff have been selected to ensure the highest scholarly standards in research and training. We regularly add outstanding scholars, experts, judges from international courts and tribunals, diplomats and human rights intellectuals to the list of guest professors addressing our students. Notable guests at the Faculty and RWI have among others been Kofi Annan, Shirin Ebadi, Hans Corell, Chris Patten, Rosalyn Higgins and Gro Harlem Brundtland.
The Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law in Lund was one of the first LL.M programmes established specifically to provide for the academic mastery of an increasingly complex area: the international law of human rights and humanitarian law. The programme will open doors to a broad array of international and domestic careers within the legal sector.
Plan de estudios
Estructura del programa
Este programa conduce a una Maestría en Derecho en Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (LL.M).
Cursos obligatorios
en total: 97,5 créditos
- Derecho Internacional (15 créditos)
- Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos I (15 créditos)
- Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos II (15 créditos)
- Derecho Humanitario (7,5 créditos)
- Acceso a la Justicia: Cuestiones Jurídicas y Morales (15 créditos)
- Trabajo Fin de Máster (30 créditos)
Cursos electivos
en total: 22,5 créditos
Se ofrecen cursos electivos en áreas como derecho migratorio, derecho laboral, empresas y derechos humanos, derecho penal internacional, etc.
Oportunidades profesionales
Perspectivas de carrera
Nuestros alumnos encuentran empleo en organizaciones internacionales, ONG, bufetes de abogados privados, instituciones académicas y autoridades públicas. El sistema de las Naciones Unidas o las organizaciones regionales, los tribunales internacionales o nacionales, el sector público o privado: disfrutará de una amplia variedad. Nuestro LL.M lo prepara a fondo para los desafíos de su futura profesión y le brinda una ventaja competitiva sobre los titulares de otras maestrías en derechos humanos.