Licenciatura (con honores) en Finanzas y Análisis Empresarial
Bradford, Reino Unido
3 Years
Tiempo completo
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Sep 2025
GBP 19.560 *
En el campus
* internacional / nacional: 9.250 GBP
Aplicar la tecnología financiera y las capacidades analíticas adecuadas es una prioridad creciente, sobre todo para los profesionales de las finanzas. En entornos cada vez más competitivos, los profesionales del sector financiero requieren una visión más detallada de los datos económicos de su organización.
Este programa está diseñado con aportaciones de destacados profesionales del sector y equilibra la mecánica de los métodos analíticos y el dinámico proceso de toma de decisiones relacionadas con las finanzas. Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar nuestros estudiantes como profesionales de las finanzas del futuro que, equipado con habilidades de análisis, tienen los atributos adecuados para reducir los riesgos mediante la adopción de decisiones financieras más inteligentes, oportunas y precisas.
Los estudiantes adquirirán habilidades técnicas de ciencia de datos y habilidades de gestión no técnicas, junto con una profunda comprensión de la aplicación de la analítica en el contexto de la gestión financiera.
Tendrás la oportunidad de familiarizarte con el software especializado en análisis empresarial, SAS, considerado uno de los principales proveedores de software de análisis de datos estándar del sector, ampliamente utilizado en el mundo empresarial. También conocerá las herramientas y técnicas adicionales necesarias para gestionar su autodesarrollo como directivo en consonancia con sus aspiraciones profesionales en un entorno inspirador y orientado a la innovación.
Desarrollarás tu comprensión de temas tales como:
- Analítica financiera y contabilidad
- Financiamiento e inversión multinacional
- Fundamentos de Business Analytics e Inteligencia Artificial
- Big Data Analytics para empresas
- Gestión de Riesgos y Derivados.
Además, nuestros académicos centrados en la investigación facilitarán su aprendizaje a lo largo de este programa de grado, asegurándose de que permanezca al día con las últimas tendencias en el área de Finanzas y Business Analytics. A través de una enseñanza innovadora y la aplicación práctica, este programa tiene como objetivo incorporar las finanzas y análisis de negocio, por lo tanto, que le coloca a la vanguardia de la competencia de posgrado para funciones tales como Analista Financiero, Analista de Auditoría, Gerente de Finanzas, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios, y muchos otros.
Plan de estudios
What you will study
All module information is for 2023 entry and is subject to change.
First Year
- Business Economics
- Foundations of Marketing
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
- Introduction to Accounting
- Introduction to Finance
- Principles of Responsible Management and Practice
Second Year
- Big Data Analytics for Business
- Entrepreneurship and Employability
- Financial Management
- Business Forecasting and Analysis
- Business Law and Ethics
- Multinational Finance and Investment
Final Year
- Final Year Business Project
- Applied Business Analytics and Simulation
- Risk Management and Derivatives
- Artificial Intelligence for Business
- Auditing
- Taxation
- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Leading and Managing People
- Cross Cultural Management
Learning and Assessment
You will gain a range of knowledge and understanding specific to Finance and Business Analytics and personal transferable skills, which will improve and enhance your ability to excel at university and beyond.
To this end, teaching on the programme will be directed, supported and reinforced through a combination of formal lectures, staff/student-led group discussions, personal research and guided self-study, tutorials, seminars and directed reading. These activities will all be further supported by the use of a virtual learning environment.
Generally, the programme will aim to integrate applied and theoretical knowledge with assessment processes that test both knowledge of the discipline and understanding of its application and limitations. To facilitate learning, lectures and seminars will typically utilise case studies and simulations. Sessions may be delivered weekly. Small Group sessions will use case studies and simulations with oral feedback given in class.
You will be guided to suitable primary and secondary data sources, and be required to conduct research and presentation exercises. Resources to support the teaching and learning activity will be provided in the University’s virtual learning environment.
Oportunidades profesionales
Career Prospects
Throughout this programme, you will have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with specialist business analytics software, SAS, which is considered one of the world’s leading industry-standard data analytics software providers and is widely used in the business world.
SAS are one of our strategic partners and acknowledges this programme. They are advocates for our students gaining experience with the software, which is used widely in the business world.
You'll also learn about additional tools and techniques necessary for managing your self-development as a manager, in alignment with your career aspirations. All of this will take place in an inspiring and innovation-led environment.
Además, nuestros académicos centrados en la investigación facilitarán tu aprendizaje a lo largo de este programa de grado, asegurándote de mantenerte actualizado con las últimas tendencias en el área de Finanzas y Análisis de Negocios, preparándote para cuando ingreses al mundo del trabajo.
Through innovative teaching and practical application, this programme aims to incorporate finance and business analytics, therefore placing you at the forefront of graduate competition for roles such as Financial Analyst, Audit Analyst, Finance Manager, Business Development Manager and many others.
Our four-year course, with a sandwich year in industry, allows you to gain real-world experience of working in industry.
Career Support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programmes. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the Careers website.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programmes, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
Career Booster
During your time studying at the Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences you will have the opportunity to take part in our distinctive career booster programme throughout your course. The programme is designed to equip you with the necessary skills and graduate attributes to be job-ready when seeking employment with leading innovative organisations. The Career Booster Programme offers you the opportunity to gain certificates in:
- The European Computer Driving License (ECDL) - the benchmark for digital literacy
- Sage 50 Accounting and Sage 50 Payroll - training that will allow you to develop leading accounting and payroll software skills
- Project Manager Professional certificates - giving you the edge when seeking to become a Certified Project Manager
- Big Data analysis and reporting skills - using Software and Services (SAS) that will lead to certification
In addition, the programme will also include activities to promote teamwork, confidence, communication and many other skills sought by employers.
Developing a portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificates will demonstrate to employers that you are not only ambitious but also take responsibility for your professional development.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Becas y Financiamiento
Cada año otorgamos numerosas becas no reembolsables a estudiantes del Reino Unido, la UE e internacionales sobre la base de la excelencia académica, las circunstancias personales o las dificultades económicas.