Licenciatura en Administración y Negocios Internacionales
12 up to 27 Months
Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial
Solicitar fecha límite de solicitud
Jan 2025
GBP 20.468 / per year *
En el campus
* sándwich año: £ 925 | internacional: £ 18,628; sándwich año: £ 1,864
Desarrolle las habilidades que necesita para administrar las operaciones comerciales en la economía global.
Acreditación profesional
Estamos orgullosos de estar en un grupo élite de escuelas de negocios que poseen las acreditaciones triples de Equis, AMBA y AACSB, a menudo denominadas "Triple Corona".
Varios organismos contables profesionales otorgan exenciones para los exámenes realizados en diferentes etapas de su calificación profesional, incluidos ICAEW, ACCA, AIA y CIMA, y CPA Australia. Según los módulos de contabilidad específicos que se tomen, este programa puede dar derecho a los estudiantes a ser elegibles para exenciones.
La Asociación de Contadores Certificados Colegiados (ACCA) acredita este programa. Esto significa que, al completar con éxito su título, es elegible para exenciones de algunos exámenes de nivel fundamental de ACCA.
Plan de estudios
What you will study
All module information is for 2023 entry and is subject to change.
- Strategic Management
- Marketing Planning and Strategy
- Operations Management
- Economics for Global Business
- Multinational Corporations in Emerging Economies
- Globalization and Contemporary Issues in International Business
- Principios y prácticas de los negocios internacionales
- Cross-Cultural Management
- MSc Dissertation
- International Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- International Master's Summer School
- International Master's Summer School (non-credit)
Learning and assessment
The program is summatively assessed by a mixture of written examinations, assessed coursework, case studies, group projects, simulations, and multimedia presentations.
Assessment is integrated with learning and teaching to support and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes for individual modules and the program as a whole. Emphasis is placed on the feedback function of formative assessment as part of the learning, teaching, and assessment strategy as a whole.
Oportunidades profesionales
Career Support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programs. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work, and graduate vacancies.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programs, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
AWS Academy program from Amazon Web Services (AWS)
The School of Management has joined the prestigious worldwide AWS Academy program from Amazon Web Services (AWS). All students will be given an opportunity to enhance their employability skills, helping to make them ready for the world of work.
AWS Academy is a global program that provides educational institutions with access to cloud computing content to support student learning in a competitive digital workplace. As a member of the AWS Academy, the University of Bradford will help students become proficient and certified in the use of AWS technologies and ready to join the dynamic cloud IT workforce.
All learners will have the opportunity to seek professional certification with the skills gained through AWS Academy content, delivered by University staff that are AWS Academy accredited.
Career Booster
Durante el tiempo que estudies en la Facultad de Administración y Derecho, tendrás la oportunidad de participar en nuestro programa de impulso profesional durante toda la duración de tu carrera. El programa está diseñado para brindarte las habilidades y los atributos de egresado necesarios para estar preparado para trabajar en organizaciones innovadoras líderes. El Programa de Impulso Profesional (PDF, 2,8 MB) te ofrece la oportunidad de obtener certificados en:
- The European Computer Driving License (ECDL) - the benchmark for digital literacy
- Sage 50 Accounting and Sage 50 Payroll - training that will allow you to develop leading accounting and payroll software skills
- Project Manager Professional certificates - giving you the edge when seeking to become a Certified Project Manager
- Big Data analysis and reporting skills - using Software and Services (SAS) that will lead to certification.
In addition, the program will also include activities to promote teamwork, confidence, communication, and many other skills sought by employers.
Developing a portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificates will demonstrate to employers that you are not only ambitious but also take responsibility for your own professional development.
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
Se anima a los estudiantes matriculados en programas de posgrado en la Escuela de Administración (SoM) durante el año académico 2020/21 a que se registren en el Project Management Institute (PMI) y se conviertan en Asociados Certificados en Gestión de Proyectos (CAPM). El PMI es la asociación líder a nivel mundial para aquellos que consideran la gestión de proyectos, programas o carteras como su profesión o para aquellos que ven el desarrollo de habilidades en esta área como una importante cualificación profesional adicional.
The school will help support students prepare for this exam through the one-week short course programme which will be delivered in Semester 2. This will be followed by a one-week CAPM revision session to help students prepare for the exam.
Any of the School’s MSc students at the beginning of the academic year at Bradford can register as an individual member of the PMI. This will give students access to a range of learning materials on the PMI website. Towards the end of the taught MSc program at the School of Management, students will be supported to register for the PMI’s CAPM exam which is a three-hour multiple-choice assessment.
Independientemente de la etapa de su carrera, el Certificado de Asociado en Gestión de Proyectos es un activo que lo distinguirá en el mercado laboral y mejorará la credibilidad y la eficacia al trabajar en proyectos o con equipos de proyectos.
Career Prospects
Our graduates are highly sought after for careers in management, consultancy or advanced management studies.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Becas y Financiamiento
Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students on the basis of academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship.