45457 Educations Grados 2024

Educations Grados 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Arts in History

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

    En el campus


    A History degree gives you a deeper and more profound understanding of the forces that shaped and continue to shape the world we live in. By focusing on change in the past, the History program enables students to better comprehend and contextualize current and future events.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Finance

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    The major in Finance at Franklin provides students with a comprehensive and rigorous education in both theory and practice in finance. The curriculum emphasizes up-to-date knowledge in finance and teaches students the skills and tools necessary to succeed in today’s highly globalized and technological world. Students learn how to apply concepts from economics, finance, and business to real-world problems using teaching methods based on traditional lectures, case studies, simulations, and experiential learning.

  • Bachelor of Arts in International Economics

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    El programa de grado en Economía Internacional equipa a los estudiantes con las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en el mundo internacional de los negocios y la economía, al tiempo que enfatiza las habilidades para desarrollar un pensamiento ordenado y crítico. Hace hincapié en conceptos tanto teóricos como aplicados, razonamiento cuantitativo y cualitativo, habilidades de comunicación y conocimientos básicos de informática.

  • Bachelor of Arts in International Management

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

    En el campus


    The International Management degree program prepares Franklin graduates for international business and public sector careers in organizations ranging from family-run businesses to multinational corporations and from government administration to non-profit foundations.

  • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    The International Relations major is designed for students who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this multi-disciplinary field. Students receive a solid foundation for a variety of careers in areas such as diplomatic and government service, international organizations, international business, journalism, law, and banking. Many graduates have also chosen to pursue graduate study in related areas.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Italian Studies

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    Due to the University’s unique location in the Italian-speaking world, the Italian Studies major at Franklin is designed, first and foremost, to cultivate students’ abilities to communicate, interact and critically engage with the local culture. To do this, students seeking a bachelor's degree in Italian Studies complete a three-year sequence of language courses, the principal goal of which is the acquisition of advanced competency in Italian speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Literature

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    The major in Literature is perfectly suited for students who love to read, analyze and create texts. Students seeking a bachelor's degree in Literature will encounter canonical literature, including poems, plays, and novels, as well as films, oral storytelling, song, journalism, comics, digital media and so much more. In addition to acquiring a broad knowledge of literary history, criticism, and theory, students will learn the skills to create some of the forms they study. The major thus produces critical readers and writers.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    From Aristotle and Plato to Machiavelli and Aquinas, to modern analysts and statesmen, political scientists have been concerned with issues of power, governance, public policy, social behavior and interactions among nation-states, among many others.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

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    Psychology is the science of human emotion, thought, and behavior, including neural, physiological, and cognitive processes; developmental factors and individual differences; and interpersonal, international, and cross-cultural components. The Psychology major is designed to expose students to a spectrum of basic issues currently being addressed in the discipline, the principles of research design and statistics, and theory and research in specific areas of psychology.

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

    En el campus


    The Social Justice and Sustainability (S.J.S.) major builds on Franklin’s commitment to fostering a more just and sustainable world. A self-designed major, it aims to allow students to explore key topics, theories, skills and applications at the intersections of social justice and sustainability.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Arts

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Suiza

    Tiempo completo

    4 años

    En el campus


    The Visual Communication Arts degree programs offer an interdisciplinary course of study, encompassing the fine arts, graphic design, illustration, and photography, as well as courses from Communication and Media Studies, Comparative Literary, and Cultural Studies, and film studies. It focuses on communication and creativity as fundamental elements of human expression and encourages students to think critically about creative expressions within the context of and across cultures, ethnicities, race, and gender.

  • Bsc seguridad y seguridad de la información

    School of Information Risk Management

    • London, Reino Unido

    Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial

    3 años

    En el campus


    El curso se impartirá a través de una mezcla de talleres interactivos, conferencias y seminarios que apuntan a involucrar a los estudiantes con la vida real y cuestiones técnicas virtuales, permitiendo el estudio de aspectos clave de la seguridad y la computación en la nube. Las conferencias y los talleres están diseñados para transmitir los grandes esquemas de conocimiento pertinentes a cada módulo.

  • Pgd en comp forensic y cumplimiento de la seguridad

    School of Information Risk Management

    • London, Reino Unido

    Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial

    1 año

    La educación a distancia, En el campus


    El programa MSC Computer Forensic y Security Compliance permite a los estudiantes especializarse en las áreas relacionadas con la seguridad, el cumplimiento y la investigación de los grandes sistemas informáticos. Proporciona una oportunidad para que adquieran conocimientos especializados actuales y relevantes sobre técnicas modernas utilizadas para investigar los sistemas informáticos y para que puedan aplicar estas habilidades a una gama de problemas diversos.

  • Msc ciber seguridad y seguridad (csa)

    School of Information Risk Management

    • London, Reino Unido

    Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial

    1 año

    En el campus


    La Escuela de Gestión del Riesgo de la Información (SIRM) ha adoptado el currículo ISACA modelo en el desarrollo y diseño de un programa de maestría, que se basa en una buena base y riguroso entrenamiento práctico en las respectivas áreas. El objetivo es proporcionar el conocimiento necesario a través de una combinación de teoría y práctica. MSc (CSA) está alineado con las mejores certificaciones de seguridad Cyber ​​Security, incluyendo Cyber ​​Security Nexus (CSX) Fundamental y Gerente Certificado de Sistemas de Información (CISM).

    • New York, Estados Unidos de América
    • Athens, Grecia
    • + 11 more

    Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial

    4 años

    La educación a distancia, En el campus


    Con el mundo impulsado por las computadoras, un título en Ciencias de la Computación es vital. Se explorarán áreas como la informática y la tecnología de la información, la seguridad, las bases de datos y el desarrollo web. El título proporcionará a los estudiantes conocimientos y habilidades informáticos tanto teóricos como prácticos, lo que les permitirá trabajar en el sector industrial, bancario, comercial y gubernamental.