BSc Econ Banca y Finanzas
Cardiff, Reino Unido
3 Years
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Sep 2025
GBP 22.700 / per year
En el campus
Otorgado por: Universidad de Cardiff (Prifysgol Caerdydd)
El curso de grado de Banca y Finanzas es de particular interés para aquellos que desean ingresar al sector financiero. Le brindará la oportunidad de adquirir conocimientos económicos especializados sobre el funcionamiento de los sectores monetario y financiero.
Además de brindarle capacitación relevante para la práctica de la banca y otras carreras financieras, también proporciona exenciones de ciertos exámenes del Chartered Institute of Bankers.
Características distintivas
Las características distintivas del curso incluyen:
• principios económicos con énfasis en temas relacionados con la banca y las finanzas;
• el papel central de los módulos básicos del año dos de Macroeconomía, Microeconomía y Econometría Introductoria implícitos en el curso de grado de Banca y Finanzas;
• los módulos especializados básicos de Dinero, Banca y Finanzas (segundo año) y Economía de la Banca, Economía Financiera y Finanzas Internacionales (tercer año) que definen explícitamente el grado;
• el uso de operaciones financieras simuladas para comprender el comportamiento de los mercados de operaciones financieras en el contexto de diferentes estructuras micro financieras.
Becas y Financiamiento
Loans and Grants
Financial support information for students.
We wish to ensure that financial circumstances are not a barrier to your undergraduate study opportunities.
We wish to recruit the very best students and to help us achieve this, we offer a number of scholarships.
Part-time Undergraduate Funding
Information about funding for part-time students.
Financial Support for Asylum Seekers
Information for asylum seekers about the financial support we offer undergraduates and options for funding from outside the University.
Plan de estudios
El título de Banca y Finanzas es un curso de estudio a tiempo completo de tres años, que incluye módulos obligatorios y opcionales. Los estudiantes normalmente obtienen 120 créditos cada año y 360 en total.
Una proporción significativa de los módulos incluidos en el curso son impartidos por la Sección de Economía de la Escuela, mientras que ciertos módulos, especialmente en el año 1, son impartidos por otras secciones de la Escuela.
Year One
Get to grips with the fundamentals of accounting, statistics and mathematics and jump straight into economic analysis with modules in micro-and macro-economics.
Puede descubrir cómo estas herramientas analíticas se cruzan con la ley, la gestión y la organización, y las cuestiones económicas históricas y contemporáneas.
Core Modules for Year One
- Applied Stats and Maths in Econ and Business
- Introduction to Accounting
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
Optional Modules for Year One
- Legal Studies
- Introduction to Management and Organisation
- Contemporary Economic Issues
- Economic History
- Fundamentals of Finance
Year Two
Combine theory and practice as your understanding of the basics grow.
Comenzará a apreciar la teoría que sustenta el análisis económico y practicará técnicas empíricas utilizadas por economistas en los sectores monetario, bancario y financiero.
Elija entre módulos en derecho, inversiones, finanzas corporativas, estado y negocios para complementar su conocimiento de los fundamentos.
Core Modules for Year Two
- Macroeconomic Theory
- Microeconomic Theory
- Money Banking and Finance
- Introductory Econometrics
Optional Modules for Year Two
- Corporate Financial Management
- Law of Commerce, Banking and Investment
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Performance and Financial Management
- British Economy
- Economics of the EU
- Managerial Economics
- State, Business and the British Economy in the Twentieth Century
Year Three
Ponga a prueba sus conocimientos mientras explora problemas del mundo real que afectan a los mercados financieros globales en su último año.
Te convertirás en un experto en el papel de los bancos y los intermediarios financieros en nuestra economía.
Adapte su título a sus ambiciones profesionales con módulos opcionales en economía laboral, bienestar social, comercio, desarrollo e industria.
Core Modules for Year Three
- Financial Economics
- International Finance
- Economics of Banking
Optional Modules for Year Three
- Financial Derivatives
- Econometrics
- International Economic History
- Labour Economics
- International Trade
- Industrial Economics
- Economic Statistics in Theory and Practice
- Development Economics
- Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
- Ethics and Morality of Business
- Economy Wleidyddol Cymru: o 'Oes y glo' i 'Oes y clo'
How Will I Be Assessed?
Assessment methods vary from module to module but, across your degree scheme as a whole, you can expect a mixture of exams, coursework, essays, practical work, presentations, and individual and group projects.
Resultado del programa
What Skills Will I Practise and Develop?
As a result of engaging fully with this course, you will acquire and develop a range of valuable skills, both those which are discipline-specific and more generic ‘employability skills’. These will allow you to:
- Grasp complex issues with confidence
- Ask the right questions about complex texts
- Have an imaginative appreciation of different views and options and analyse these critically
- Identify and apply relevant data
- Develop practical research skills
- Propose imaginative solutions of your own that are rooted in evidence
- Communicate clearly, concisely and persuasively in writing and speech
- Sourcing, interpreting and presenting relevant numerical information – to support the composition of project reports and business cases
- Work to deadlines and priorities, managing a range of tasks at the same time
- Work as part of a team, developing a collaborative approach to problem-solving
- Use IT programmes and standard software packages, where appropriate
- Take responsibility for your own learning programme and professional development.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Oportunidades profesionales
We are committed to helping you achieve your professional ambitions, and providing you with the skills, curiosity and confidence to make your mark in a competitive job market. Whether you have a clear idea of what you’d like to do after university or no idea at all, we have the tools and support to guide you.
Our graduates go on to a range of industries and professions including banking and finance management, logistics and supply chain management, UK Government and Civil Service, and data analysis.
Within the Business School, we have a dedicated Careers Centre offering bespoke business-specific support, including industry placements, internships, work experience and insights.
You’ll benefit from career consultations, interview and CV writing workshops, industry-specific events specialist psychometric assessment and broad skills training.
Graduate Careers
- Accountant
- Business Analyst
- Economist
- HR Manager
- Lecturer
- Marketing Executive
- Production Manager
- Stockbroker